Author's Note: First off, I have to say thanks to some Newtowners for contributing to this list. Erik, Michelle, Kate, Greg, Steph, Keegan,Lisa, Becky, and Jessie thanks for the input! If you have any fond memories of Newtown, feel free add them in the comments. We'd love to hear from other Newtowners! 

You know you're from Newtown when:

You don’t flinch at the site of a flag pole in the middle of a street

The best parties were in the woods or a field

You hung out at the Teen Center

You had a run in with Rich (high school security guard) at least once a week

The phrase “There is nothing to do in this town” was your anthem in high school

You know the Blue and Gold stadium used to be Bruce Jenner stadium (it was changed in the 90’s)

You worked at Grand Union or Stop and Shop (or Big Y once it opened)

You know why Poverty Hollow and Poor House Road are the most ironic street names ever

You laughed every time someone assumed you were rich just because you lived in Newtown

You would tell someone you were from Newtown and they would say “Where?” ("It's near Danbury")

On Friday nights, the Edmond Town Hall was the place to be

You couldn’t wait for the St. Rose Carnival each summer

It was annoying when people called Newtown, Newton…and it happened a lot

You remember when the Fun Space (the original) was built at Dickinson Park and loved hanging out there…even in high school

You look forward to seeing the scarecrows on the front lawn of the middle school each year

You knew you were supposed to hate Masuk…you just didn't know why

You remember the Fireside Inn

You waited in line to be an extra in ‘Sleepers’ when they were filming in Newtown…even the girls

You never miss a Labor Day parade

You were one of the St. Rose kids

You know that Steven Kellogg lived in Newtown

You have heard stories about the old blue house on Main Street

You remember trick-or-treating in your own neighborhood, before everyone started trick-or-treating on Main Street

You can still name all 50 states on a map thanks to the States Quiz you had to take before every science class with Mr. Weiss or Mr. Ashmore

You never thought twice about living in a town with a prison and a mental hospital

You have bought tickets to win the Mustang in the Lions Club raffle (where do they get all those Mustangs?)

You have been to Pizza Palace or My Place more times than you can count

You miss Toy Works in Sand Hill

You know what I mean when I say ‘Sand Hill’

You have a subscription to The Newtown Bee

You know how to get to Lorenzo’s

You like spending your summer days on Zoar Lake

You’ve watched movies from the balcony at the Edmond Town Hall Theater

You went to Lathrop

You know who George is

You love when the “Gone Fishin’” sign comes down at the ice cream shop

You remember having a Duchess in town

You remember how Duchess literally closed up shop overnight and left…and how weird that was

You had a friend who lived on the other side of town and it took 30 minutes to get from your house to theirs

You remember that Snapple came to Newtown High School because someone wrote in about being Snapple King for the day...and it was awesome

You have had way to many gravy fries (with or without cheese) at the diner and chili cheese fries at Jumbo Dog...and loved every. single. bite.

You remember trucks getting stuck under the train bridge, on Church Hill, pretty much on a weekly basis. Seriously, it was ridiculous how many trucks got stuck.

You went to Lexington Gardens (R.I.P.) for all your garden needs and candy...lots of candy. I miss that wall of Jelly Beans and the candy sticks!

You know about the tunnels that were under Fairfield Hills and might have tried to enter them.

You remember Dunkin Donuts was a popular hang out and when the police told everyone to leave they would move to the Grand Union parking lot...until the police told them to move and they would go back to Dunkin Donuts...until...well, you get the idea.

Whatever your weekend nights consisted of, you would always end up at the diner after for coffee with friends

No matter what anyone says about it, you know your hometown is awesome and you love it.

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