Watertown Superintendent Channels Journey After Calling First Snow Day
There was always something special about getting a snow day called, and over the last few years, principals and school superintendents have been trying to come up with the most creative ways to break the news to their students. Districts of often created videos to try and capture the imagination of kids who are just waiting for a day off.
I don't know about you, but when I went to school, there were no robo-calls or closings listed online -- heck the internet didn't even exist. We got the news by listening to the radio. Now, it's so much easier to get that information and most of the time, it comes in early, around 5 am, so most kids don't even have to get up.
One of the more creative snow day-related videos so far this season has come from right here in our area -- the Watertown School District.
The new superintendent in Watertown is Rydell Harrison, who came to the school district from North Carolina about nine months ago. Even though he can sing pretty well, and this was his first attempt at one of these creative messages, he told the Republican American it's actually not something he thought he would ever do. But the idea came to him while he was driving, he had Journey's "Don't Stop Believin'" stuck in his head. With the possibility of the first snow day of the school year looming large, the new superintendent knew what he had to do.
Harrison cleverly recreated the Journey classic, and it quickly became a snow day anthem in Watertown. Rydell sent out a notice to all the principals in the district, asking them to send him a video of them singing the song, and they all jumped at the chance.
So when January 30th and the snow finally arrived, Rydell was ready. He sprung into action and quickly got his video message on social media for all parents and students to see. Here is the final result: