NY State Click It Or Ticket Enforcement Underway Now — What You Need to Know
This week would be a really good week to remember to buckle up in New York State, because a big buckle up campaign started yesterday, in effort to crack down on people who are not using seat belts in their cars. It's underway through Sunday June 3rd, 2018, according to a state press release.
State Police, along with local police, are committed to a higher level of enforcement of seat belt laws, especially for the next couple weeks. As of today, you may even pass safety belt checkpoints using marked and unmarked cars, en route to your destination. Riders in the front seats must be secured with safety belts, as well as the passengers under 16 who should be secured in the back seats. Authorities say they will be issuing hefty fines for offenders.
The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration reports that more than 13,000 lives were saved thanks to seat belt usage in the nation in 2015, and in New York State more than 400 lives were saved.
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