New Milford Drivers May Have To Slow Down Soon
I don't know if you've noticed all the curve signs on some of New Milford's roads recently. They were installed as part of a federal program to try and make the roads safer.
Now, New Milford residents, and some town officials want them removed claiming they take away from rural feel of the area, but the only way to have the state take them away is if drivers slow down.
According to newstimes.com, by the time the project is done, the town will have some 339 signs installed on 14 different roads. The number of signs that get placed is already determined, using federal guidelines based on the suggested speed limit to safely travel around the curve.
New Milford's Mayor Pete Bass took to Facebook after a recent town meeting to explain what's been going on, and the status of all the signs now popping up all over the town:
I would like to thank everyone that attended last nights informational meeting concerning the Horizontal curve signs that the CTDOT has been putting up on our rural roads. At the meeting, we had CTDOT and our DPW team available to answer questions and provide a history as to the timeline on the grant, how the State determined how many signs they believed to be needed per curve.
We also looked at possible solutions. These solutions will need the combined assistance of the State and our Town.
I will continue to provide a update as we move along in the process. More to follow.
A State DOT official said that all signs have been ordered, and if they haven't been yet, will be installed very soon. Once they are in, then the town assumes control and would be liable if one was removed by someone local or if there was a serious accident.
That's all fine and good, but for residents like New Milford Councilman Tom Esposito, who lives on Bear Hill Road, which has 56 signs on his road alone and 16 signs right on his property, are heavily in favor of a lower speed limit just so some of the signs could be removed.
Here is a list of the roads that have already had new signs installed, or will have them installed soon:
- Barker Road
- Big Bear Hill Road
- Brown’s Forge Road
- Gaylord Road
- Geiger Road
- Little Bear Hill Road
- Long Mountain Road
- Ridge Road
- Second Hill Road
- South Kent Road
- Squash Hollow Road
- Station Road
- West Meetinghouse Road
New Milford's Public Works Director Mike Zarba told newstimes.com that the need for so many signs is a good example of why the speed limit should be reduced in certain spots.
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