If you love it cold and snowy, then you might be a little disappointed based on the new long range Danbury forecast for February.

According to the National Weather Service, who just released their latest long range forecast, we could be in for above normal temperatures at least through the first two weeks of February.

The weather service is predicting milder weather, with temperatures in the 50s next week, upper 40s the following week, and forget about snow for a while, as temperatures are forecasted to remain well above freezing at least during this extended period.

So just what's going on out there? Here's what the National Weather Service had to say about why we're not seeing that much snow so far this winter:

With the lack of cold air in place, it is likely that if any precipitation that does fall it will be primarily rain. If any snow does fall, little, if any accumulation is expected with surface temperatures into the upper 30s and low 40s.

So, as it stands right now, things look mild at least until Valentines Day. After that, your guess is as good as anyone else's.

By the way, the National Weather Service is not alone in this long range forecast, the Old Farmers Almanac had already predicted this warmer trend for the area back in the fall when their Connecticut forecast was released.

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