A guy from Sterling, Connecticut is starting to get nationwide attention for all the wrong reasons, according to the Smoking Gun.

He was allegedly driving while intoxicated, or under the influence, when he got stopped by police at about 10:00 Saturday night.

Funny thing is, in Nathan Corey's mug shot, he looks as though he dressed for the event, sporting a t-shirt that lived up to what he’s charged with.

“Beer + Beer = Shenanigans,” is what his t-shirt read in his mug shot. This isn’t the first time a guy from Connecticut has gone viral like this. I recall another incident where a guy wearing a "hold my beer and watch this" t-shirt made the news for his mugshot after a DUI arrest.

Nathan was pulled over when he allegedly hit a sidewalk and broke a few traffic laws.

Connecticut Police say he failed sobriety field tests, had a machete with him, and some marijuana. He was booked on some criminal vehicular charges, and will be seen in superior court on October 3.

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