Greater Danbury Towns Set Halloween Trick-or-Treating Guidelines
This Halloween will be very different then any other Halloween, and in order to keep children and their parents safe, many local towns have set up rules to follow.
We know your kids want to go out trick-or-treating, but since we're in the middle of the COVID-19 pandemic, the state has set up some specific guidelines, and many towns are now issuing their own specific guidance. Some towns are leaving it up to local residence to use their own judgement, while other towns have some pretty strict guidelines they are asking residents to follow.
Here's a breakdown of some of the Halloween guidelines set by local towns in Greater Danbury.
Danbury- Recommends "One Way" Trick or Treating:
That means goodie bags should be placed outside in a large bowl so kids can just grab and go, and be sure to wash hands before getting those goodie bags ready.
If you're handing out candy, you must wear a mask, and have hands sanitized. Keep 6 feet between you and the trick or treaters, and place the candy in the Halloween bags, do not allow anyone else to reach in the bag. It's also recommended that children do not trick-or-treat with people who are outside their household.
Bethel- Recommends "No" Trick-or-Treating:
The towns first selectman recommends following the guidelines set by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. No indoor costume parties, no traditional trick-or-treating, and no trunk-or-treating. These events have been deemed high risk activities.
Bethel has even canceled their annual Trick-or-Treat Street.
New Milford- Recommends "Caution" When Trick-or-Treating:
Trick-or-Treating will be allowed in the town. New Milford has set up a Halloween Facebook page and are asking residents to post if their neighborhood will be welcoming trick-or-treaters.
The Parks and Recreation Department has two Halloween events planned. The annual Trunk-or-Treat will be a drive up event at the John Pettibone School on Saturday October 31, between 5:30 and 7:30 PM, and the town will hold a downtown Halloween costume parade, also on Saturday, October 31, and starting at 3 PM.
Brookfield- "Will allow trick-or-treating", recommends following their guidelines:
Yes, your children will be allowed to trick-or-treat, but the town has set up a list of strict guidelines that they are asking residents to follow, including staying home if you feel sick, keep at least six feet away from others, wear a mask covering your face and nose, even if you're wearing a Halloween mask, and use hand sanitizer often, especially before eating any of the candy.
If you're a homeowner, the town is asking that you put out a 'Trick-or-Treaters Welcome" sign in your front window or door, also tape a six foot line in your driveway, position a distribution table between yourself and trick-or-treaters, and distribute candy on a disinfected table to eliminate direct contact.
If you don't happen to live in one of the above towns, you can always refer to the guidance on the State's Department of Health website.

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