It happens. A beloved pet gets out of the house and we fear the worst.

Cats tend to stay close by, but since they are often wary of the great outdoors, they don't make their presence known, and it can take a long time before they are found.

Such was the case with a Connecticut family who thought their cat, Gunther, was gone forever. He had been missing for weeks. The family received a phone call on Sunday from Animal Control telling them that they found a cat that they think may be Gunther. That cat was hit by a car and died.

Mom and dad had to break the news to their children, and it was especially hard on their young son. Nick and Gunther are best friends. Gunther is who Nick would go to for comfort and even advice.

The family got a kitten in the hopes that it would bring some joy and distraction to the kids. The next day, the miracle happened. Mom heard a loud meowing at the front door. It was Gunther! So what did mom and dad do?

They surprised their overjoyed children and filmed the emotional reunion. NBC Connecticut aired it on their Facebook page:

The best friends are reunited! NBC's Heather Burian spoke with Nick and Gunther last night:

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