Danbury’s Brews and BBQ Festival Scheduled for This Saturday is Postponed
It looks like the weather will not cooperate with our big party this weekend.
Our meteorologist, Bill Jacquemin, is calling for stormy weather in the Danbury area on Saturday. Therefore, our Brews and BBQ Festival which was set for this Saturday, May 13, 2017 will be postponed.
We always want to bring you the best experience possible which is what led to this decision. If you have already purchased tickets, hold on to them because they will be honored on Saturday, July 22, 2017.
Nothing really changes except the date. Brews and BBQ will be still be held at the Ives Concert Park in Danbury from 3:00pm to 9:00pm. The Spin Doctors and The Renegades will perform. The same great brews, the same great BBQ, the same great vendors. The same great party is still on, we will just be celebrating summer instead of this crazy, rainy Spring that we have been dealing with.
See you in Danbury on July 22. Until then, it looks like the Man Beast will have to stay in Beer and BBQ hibernation for a couple more months:
The Man Beast Is in Search of Beer and BBQ