It's the time of year where everyone's talking about ice jams, black ice, and ice dams in our gutters, but have you ever heard of pancake ice?

Matt Gilbert is from Danbury, and while everyone else is taking photos and videos of the Ice Jam on the Housatonic in Kent and New Milford, Matt has come across a winter weather phenomena called "pancake ice". So what is pancake ice?

According to, pancake ice are the circular slabs that can range anywhere from one to 10 feet in diameter and up to four inches thick, typically forming in areas with at least some wave action and air temperatures just below freezing.

So how is Pancake Ice formed?

Pancake Ice can begin as a thin ice layer or slush on the water surface, which accumulates into circular disks. The "lily pad," or raised-edge appearance of pancake ice, can form when each disk bumps up against one another, or when slush splashes onto and then freezes on the slab's edge.

So it kind of makes sense, with the weather and all the ice action we've already had, that it would be only a matter of time before we would get a glimpse of pancake ice.

It is actually somewhat rare to find pancake ice formations around here. Usually, you'll find it in places like the Arctic or in cold ocean waters, so Matt's video is pretty special. Check it out:

So now you have seen Pancake Ice and should know a little more about it, by the way, if anyone ask's, I'll have a "short stack"

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