Connecticut Pig Makes Her Super Bowl LIV Pigskin Prognostication
Once again this year, Racine, the prognosticating pig, has made her Super Bowl prediction. So tell your friends, call the relatives, and forget about what odds Vegas is laying down -- Racine knows.
Well, thanks to a little pigskin prognostication, Racine the pig over at Petrichor Farm in Connecticut has made her prediction on who's going to win the big game. So I guess I should tell you to, "Thank the pig."
Now we could've used stats, saber metrics and plenty of other analytics to try and figure out who's got a chance to win the game, but that might cost millions of dollars and take years, so we did the next best thing. Just like the last two years, we traveled to the foothills of the Berkshire Mountains, the gateway to New England to Petrichor Farm so we could once again get the official word from Racine the pig, who's actually 1 for 2 in picking the game winner.
So here's how we set things up, because as you know, in any scientific experiment like this, you have to have a common variable. So we took two bowls, each labeled with one of the teams logo's. We filled the bowls with Racine's favorite snack, "munchkins", then we released the pig. Which ever bowl of munchkins Racine went to would be ruled the predicted winner of the Big Game. Now, I know the suspense is killing you, so just click on the video and find out who Racine picked:
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