In a heartwarming display of kindness and compassion, a young boy from Connecticut has given up his Disney trip in an attempt to help the family of a missing woman.

According to a GoFundMe campaign published by his mother, 7-year-old Riley Daigle of Wethersfield has become so disturbed by the fact that Jennifer Dulos, the New Canaan mother of five whose missing persons case has been making national headlines for weeks, isn't able to be there for her children, that he is willing to make as big of a sacrifice as any 7-year-old is willing to make. He wants to donate all of his savings he piled up for a birthday trip to Disney.

In the description of the campaigns Riley's mom notes that he was, "so sickened and upset to see that 5 children have a missing mom that he pledged to put all of the money in his savings account ($500) to any information leading to a conviction or leading to the missing mom."

In the weeks since her disappearance on May 24, investigators have been diligently searching for Jennifer around the clock, and her estranged husband, Fotis Dulos, and his girlfriend, Michelle Troconis, were both arrested on tampering charges, based on a significant amount of physical evidence.

In response to Riley Daigle's unbelievably noble gesture, Fox 61 reports that Jennifer Dulos' family had this to say to the 7-year-old from Wethersfield:

This is the kindest act imaginable: a 7-year-old-boy from Wethersfield, CT, has offered his savings as a reward to help find Jennifer Farber Dulos. His selflessness and generosity have touched our hearts. A little child shall lead them.

The impact of Jennifer’s disappearance on her five young children, family, and friends is affecting many people in similar ways. We urge this young man to keep his savings, but we honor his impulse. This is about more than a reward—it is a call to do something.

At this time, the police are best equipped to conduct searches for Jennifer. Citizens can help most by providing information. Please, if you have any knowledge about Jennifer’s disappearance or her whereabouts, email the New Canaan Police Department’s dedicated tip line at or call (203) 594-3544. Follow this young man’s lead and take action. Thank you.

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