Join the Brookfield Police Department as they trade their badges for aprons to wine and dine you.

It's all happening Saturday August 31 from 1 PM until 6 PM at Down the Hatch on Candlewood Lake Road in Brookfield.

It's your chance to help out a great cause and join the Brookfield Police Department during their annual Tip-A-Cop event. 100% of "tips" they earn during the event will be donated to Special Olympics CT to support year-round programming for over 12,000 athletes across the state.

Some of your friends from the Brookfield Police Department will act as waiters and will be seeking tips, and all you have to do is just stop by Down the Hatch to help support the cause.

The Law Enforcement Torch Run events are one of the movement's largest grass roots fundraiser's and are put on to raise public awareness for these special needs athletes. The year round programs include events like Tip-A-Cop, Cop-on-Cop, and Jail 'N' Bail fundraisers.

Corporal Fiege of the BPD, who has been running the Law Enforcement Torch Run for the Special Olympics since 2009, had this to say about the event, "This is a great way for law enforcement and public to come together and build strong relationships as well as benefit a great organization in the Special Olympics."

The Tip-A-Cop is a Law Enforcement Torch Run event and benefits Special Olympics Connecticut. Check out our video of the actual Torch Run that happened back in June:

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