5 Driving No-Nos That Are on the Rise in Connecticut
Since the pandemic, driving has become more aggravating and dangerous than ever before.

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Maybe it's because we took a long break from driving for the most part? Could it be people are less patient than ever before? Whatever the case, it's bad and getting worse, especially in the Nutmeg State.
5 Driving No-Nos that are on the Rise in CT
There are far too many of us, no one is paying attention, no one is doing the right things. These are the 5 no-nos that appear to be on the rise here in CT.
I have something that really helps with the road rage. I bite the steering wheel. Sure, it's loaded with germs, sure I could chip a tooth but it distracts from the rush of blood to the head (Great Coldplay album).
The Pros and Cons of Moving to Danbury from People Who've Lived Here
Recently, I saw a new Reddit post, in the Danbury group, where someone said they were moving to the area, and wanted the pros and cons. The post read: "Moving to Danbury: Just got a job offer in Danbury. What's the good and bad of living in or around Danbury? Any good day cares?" That post came from u/bazookadog and these were some of the responses from area residents:
Inner Sanctum - Behind the Curtain on Danbury's Mysterious Free Masons
John Arizzi is the sitting Worshipful Master for Danbury’s Union Lodge #40 of the Ancient Free and accepted Masons. Arizzi described his role to me in layman’s terms, saying that in any other organization, he’d be called the President. This position is voted on every year by the group, and Arrizi has held the position multiple times. Arrizi was my tour guide into a world many people never see, the inner sanctum of Danbury's Free Masons.
The Danbury Free Masons meet in a building at 337 Main Street. The building was originally the Meeker mansion. The Meekers were the prominent Danbury family who ran Meeker's Hardware. It's worth noting, that a separate Masonic Lodge is headquartered in the same building, Lodge 39. Lodge 39 is originally from Georgetown, CT but when their member numbers dwindled, they sold their building and moved to Danbury.
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