The Ulster County Sheriff's Department has a great opportunity for people ages 14 to 18 years of age who are interested in law enforcement. Their cadet program is getting ready to get underway on October 17th, 2022. If you know someone that would be interested tell them about the program.

The Ulster County Sheriff's Office posted on the Facebook page last week they will be holding a Parent / Cadet Orientation on October 17th at 6 PM. Parents who have a child between the ages of 14 and 18 who have expressed an interest in a career in law enforcement should consider attending.

Ulster County Sheriff's Department Cadet  Program

A Deputy Sheriff Badge

The program will have a limited number of slots and cadets will be selected by their school district. Cadets should be prepared to attend bi-weekly sessions from 6 PM to 8 PM during the months of October thru June 2023. The session will be held in Kingston and typically will include 1 hour of Physical Fitness along with demonstrations and Instruction.

How to Get Your Child in a Law Enforcement Program

There is no cost for this program. Spaces are limited and it is important that candidates have an interest in law enforcement. It is a two-phase process with phase one running from October 2022 through June 2023.  In phase, two cadets will get to conduct mock traffic stops and be given the opportunity to work alongside Deputy Sheriffs.

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If this sounds like something you and your teen would be interested in doing you can contact Lieutenant Chad Storey via email at or Deputy Tom Sharon at

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