Well, we had our first snow of the season and that may have had a few of us diehard golfs asking the dreaded question which is "Is golf season over now" followed by a very sad face.

The answer, for now, seems to be No. I placed a call to Apple Green's golf course today to see if the snow was going to result in them possibly closing the course before December and the gentleman to who I spoke said Nope. He also went on to mention that the snow had melted and that they were out there so come on and bring your clubs.

When Do Hudson Valley Golf Course Close for the Season

So the good news for those of us hoping to get in another round or two is that it appears we will be able to as long as the weather holds up. This also means that we can still enjoy our favorite golf course restaurants.

Earlier this year I made a list of great golf course restaurants. Places people can enjoy good food and a great view. Hudson Valley golf courses have the most inviting views. Since I first published the list I have added the HighFalls Cafe at Stone Dock Golf Course. They actually offer breakfast, lunch, and dinner.

Are Hudson Valley Golf Courses Still Open?

So don't put away the clubs yet we may even get to play into January if the winter weather can hold off. And even if you don't golf you can still enjoy watching the course while enjoying a delicious meal. Most courses in our area will close after Thanksgiving but a girl can hope.

Golf Courses in The Hudson Valley with Great Food and Drink

Many of our Hudson Valley golf courses offer great golf and great food. Many of them offer party and catering options too. Even though they can be seasonal breakfast, lunch, or dinner at one of our local golf courses can mean a delicious meal with a guaranteed view.

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