Never Forget. A great motto sadly apropos of much in our society. Do you know the significance of March 29, 1973?

I can't imagine there aren't too many of us that don't have some relation to a Veteran of War, or even a family member of friend currently serving our country. marks March 29, 1973 as the day the last American combat soldiers left South Vietnam. While military advisors and Marines, who were protecting U.S. installations, stayed on, for the United States, as a whole, the war was officially over.

But, as we are all too aware, the remnants of war is never really over. More than 3 million Americans served in the Vietnam War, almost 58,000 died, and 150,000 Americans were seriously wounded.

Hearts remain empty for numerous families across the United States. According to the Defense POW / MIA Accounting Agency more than 1,600 Americans are missing in action from the Vietnam War. The website says that 1,618 are still unaccounted for.

Pretty staggering numbers all told. And while we were pretty awful to our returning service members from what remains the most unpopular foreign war in U.S. history, you would think we've learned our lesson as a country. Given recent horror stories regarding veterans, it appears not so much.

Wednesday March 29, 2016 marks the 43rd anniversary of the withdrawal of the last American troops from Vietnam.

The Danbury Council of Veterans is having a memorial service to commemorate the momentous event. The 10 a.m. service is planned at the Vietnam Memorial in Rogers Park, 1 Memorial Drive in Danbury, and the public is invited.

Please consider taking time out of your day to be there on Wednesday. If you can't, let this be your inspiration to remember all who have given their lives to serve our country. Also, when you see a past or present service member, take the time to thank them personally.

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