If Danbury Was a Scented Candle it Would Smell Like 'Leaf Blower Exhaust' according to one of our readers.

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That was my favorite printable comment to the question I asked. Here's the question, as I posted it and some of the responses I got.

"If they made a scented candle that smelled like your hometown, what would it smell like?" 

Ted M. - Danbury - leaf blower exhaust. - WINNER! 

Marissa B. - New Milford - Nestles Bouillon

Linda J. - Bridgeport - Turtle tank water and earring backs.

Dave T. - Ridgefield - It would smell like old money.

Dylan T. - Lebanon CT - Smells is definitely Manure/ Chicken Poop

Bill K. - Waterbury - DirtyWater- rubber and melted metal.

Dawn D. S. - Oxford- a fire from a chimney

Jay C. - New Fairfield - ... what do empty storefronts smell like?

Kristal M. - Brewster: smells like diners and football helmets.

Missy G. - Ridgefield. Smells like a burnt baseball field.

Rob Olson - my small town in Kansas...stale beer and cow chips.

Heyward M. - Danbury - Smells like my grandfather 's. Old Fedora that he's had for 70yrs..

Kevin S. - Putnam Lake - Two Stroke engine exhaust with a hint of swamp trickled in.

Russel N. - New Milford - Wild animal droppings, Kimberly Clark environmental pollution, road kill, and Foie Gras (from Chris Meloni, Peter Gallagher, and Anderson Cooper’s houses).

Scott I. - Brookfield - Chinese food restaurants and Dunkins

Aurora D.O. - Bethel - Coffee Beans

Jefferey K. - New Milford - Bullion Cubes

Jen C.R. - North Salem - Crisp fall day and apple cider donuts. North Salem, NY

David B. - Waterbury - Gwenyth Paltrow's ______

Billy E. - Putnam Lake - Weed and lake water

Frank L. - Stratford - Asbestos and Low Tide

Ron R. - Stamford - Crack and Seafood

Ricky F. - Danbury - the Still River and John Oliver sewage plant.

Sherry J. - New Milford - Goat Boy Soaps

I left some of the comments out that I really wanted to put in, in an effort to save me and some of you a lot of aggravation. These are some of the most creative, funny answers we've ever received on one of our poll questions.

Take a Look at Danbury's Behemoth Exit 5 On-Ramp Potholes

Awhile back, I promised the people of the great City of Danbury that I would create a pothole map and this is just one chapter, in the book of potholes.

When I began my pothole journey, I debuted with the potholes of West Street and they are some of the worst I’ve ever seen. I focused mainly on the area of West Street near the Citgo gas station. To the city's credit, they've already begin working on those, eliminating some of the biggest issues there. 

Then I put a call out to the Ethan & Lou Radio Show listeners and asked for some tips. I was told to look at Shelter Rock Road so I did a report on those huge Earth holes. 

I also examined the potholes on the South end of Main Street, and now we go to a very specific region, the North end of Main Street. I wanted to focus on the I-84 Exit 5 on-ramp. I enter the highway here everyday, on-my-way to work, and it's an atrocious mess. 

The Grand Opening of Sonic in Danbury Was a Lively Affair

Thursday (7/21/22) was the Grand Opening of the new Sonic Drive-In on White Street in Danbury and it was quite the event. We (I-95) were broadcasting live from 11 am - 3 pm but we were not alone. A ton of local officials made the trip to welcome the new business. The Danbury Sonic location is owned and operated by franchise partner Mir Sabbir Ahmed. Ahmed was very welcoming to us and the other guests. Everyone had a great time despite the sweltering summer heat.

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