If Danbury Was a Scented Candle it Would Smell Like ‘Leaf Blower Exhaust’
If Danbury Was a Scented Candle it Would Smell Like 'Leaf Blower Exhaust' according to one of our readers.
That was my favorite printable comment to the question I asked. Here's the question, as I posted it and some of the responses I got.
"If they made a scented candle that smelled like your hometown, what would it smell like?"
Ted M. - Danbury - leaf blower exhaust. - WINNER!
Marissa B. - New Milford - Nestles Bouillon
Linda J. - Bridgeport - Turtle tank water and earring backs.
Dave T. - Ridgefield - It would smell like old money.
Dylan T. - Lebanon CT - Smells is definitely Manure/ Chicken Poop
Bill K. - Waterbury - DirtyWater- rubber and melted metal.
Dawn D. S. - Oxford- a fire from a chimney
Jay C. - New Fairfield - ... what do empty storefronts smell like?
Kristal M. - Brewster: smells like diners and football helmets.
Missy G. - Ridgefield. Smells like a burnt baseball field.
Rob Olson - my small town in Kansas...stale beer and cow chips.
Heyward M. - Danbury - Smells like my grandfather 's. Old Fedora that he's had for 70yrs..
Kevin S. - Putnam Lake - Two Stroke engine exhaust with a hint of swamp trickled in.
Russel N. - New Milford - Wild animal droppings, Kimberly Clark environmental pollution, road kill, and Foie Gras (from Chris Meloni, Peter Gallagher, and Anderson Cooper’s houses).
Scott I. - Brookfield - Chinese food restaurants and Dunkins
Aurora D.O. - Bethel - Coffee Beans
Jefferey K. - New Milford - Bullion Cubes
Jen C.R. - North Salem - Crisp fall day and apple cider donuts. North Salem, NY
David B. - Waterbury - Gwenyth Paltrow's ______
Billy E. - Putnam Lake - Weed and lake water
Frank L. - Stratford - Asbestos and Low Tide
Ron R. - Stamford - Crack and Seafood
Ricky F. - Danbury - the Still River and John Oliver sewage plant.
Sherry J. - New Milford - Goat Boy Soaps
I left some of the comments out that I really wanted to put in, in an effort to save me and some of you a lot of aggravation. These are some of the most creative, funny answers we've ever received on one of our poll questions.