I've thought about it so many times over the years, if I didn't live in Connecticut, where would I?

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Some place warmer? Probably. Some place quieter? Nah, I like the bustle of the cities along the east coast. Pennsylvania is hot right now, maybe there? The good thing about living in Connecticut is that we're around 5 hours in any direction from another world. If you go North, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Vermont, and Maine are all very livable. South? Philly, DC, Baltimore are all huge. West? Buffalo, Cleveland, etc. Where are most Connecticut residents moving lately? New York.

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Yep, New York State, according to the fw.com. Over 15,000 Connecticut residents packed up their stuff and moved to New York in 2019. I'm sure that when the fw.com crunches the numbers from 2020-2022, that ratio will come back to Connecticut in a big way. So many New Yorkers sold their studio apartment on Lex and moved to New Milford, Stamford, and Southbury during the pandemic.

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The state that I would have guessed as the landing pad for most ex-Connecticut residents - Florida - came in next on the fw.com list. 13,227 Connecticut residents moved to Florida in 2019.

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And rounding out the top 3 was Massachusetts, 11,690 Connecticut Yankees moved North into Red Sox territory in 2019.

I love it here, firmly planted in the shadows of Boston, Providence, Hartford, and NYC. We get the best of those metropolitan area's culture, cuisine, and traffic, but still have the land to expand and improve. Let's see those 2022 number fw.com, I'll bet Connecticut has taken back quite a few New Yorkers since 2019.

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