Local Man Dies After Slipping at Popular Hiking Trail
A Hudson Valley man has died while hiking at a popular trail on the New York-Massachusetts border.
According to a press release, 21-year-old Aiden Campion-Pratt slipped and fell off a rock at Bash Bish Falls on Friday, July 28 around 7:30pm. Bish Bash Falls is located in Columbia County right on the state line between New York and Massachusetts. The search for Campion-Pratt, a Ghent resident, started on Friday evening. His body was found Sunday afternoon, July 30, around 12:30pm.
Campion-Pratt's body was found via underwater camera. Rescue personnel worked for 24 hours in efforts to retrieve the body, but due to the location, retrieval was not possible.
Many Hudson Valley agencies came together to help the process along including Columbia County Sheriff’s Department, the Copake Fire Department, the Columbia County Fire Coordinator, Fastracs Excavating of Red Hook as well as several departments out of Massachusetts.
David Capeless, the Berkshire District Attorney, released an official statement saying:
“Obviously everyone involved is heartsick in the ultimate outcome. These were great efforts, under difficult and dangerous conditions, that should be recognized, and I want to extend my personal thanks to the many agencies that worked together tirelessly. Special thanks goes to the Western Massachusetts Technical Rescue Team, the Massachusetts Department of Conservation and Recreation personnel, the office of Columbia County Sheriff David Bartlett and Berkshire County Sheriff, Tomas Bowler for their leadership and determined efforts. So many agencies came together to work to one end that unfortunately could not happen.”
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