With No Pet Custody Laws In Connectciut, You May Need A Pet-nup
You know the story, two people get married, they adopt a pet, then things go south, they split up, but who takes custody of the pet?
There have been so many custody battles over fur babies during divorce negotiations that in some states it has led to a rise in "pet-nups".

So just what is a "pet-nup"? Well it's not much different then your typical pre-nup agreement that some couples arrange before a marriage. It would detail who gets official custody of the pet in the event the couple were to split up.
According to newstimes.com, Connecticut does not have any "pet-nup" laws in effect, so when this type of dispute comes up in a divorce proceeding, the state considers the pet or pets to be personal property, therefore it's the judges decision on who would take custody of the animal or animals.
Usually the pet or pets go to the person the judge deems to be the one who would have the best interest of the pet in mind, has laid out the most money for the pet, and who actually cared for the animal the most. This is very similar to what happens in child custody cases where the judge decides which partner is best suited for custody, but it can become somewhat dicey during divorce negotiations.
So now some couples are actually creating these pet agreements, the "pet-nup", prior to getting married in order to avoid the litigation and the increased cost of going back and forth regarding who will get custody of the pet or pets.
A new survey just released included 2,000 pet owners, and over 100 lawyers, and found out that divorce lawyers spent an average of 25 hours of billable time just on the issue of who get's custody of the pet or pet's, and in the last few years pet custody lawsuits have increased dramatically.
Basically your still on your own in Connecticut, however New York has become the latest state to propose legislation to consider the pet as an actual part of the family giving the judges an easier decision over who gets the custody of the pet or pet's.
Legal experts are now advising people to make an official agreement, a "pet-nup", when obtaining a pet, this way there's no grey area if the couple should wind up in divorce court.
So with pet owners sacrificing so much time and money on their fur babies, it’s no wonder they want a little extra security and protection in the case of a relationship turning sour. After all, dogs, and cats, are suppose to be our best friends.
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