And the winner is .... Chris and Hannah Lutz.

The Wolf and Northern Dutchess Archery in Red Hook wants to thank everyone who sent in a photo for Show Us Your Rack. Our grand prize winner who was randomly selected out of all the photo entries submitted is a father-daughter hunting team Chris and Hannah Lutz.

Wakin' Up with CJ and Jess called them this morning to tell them they were the winners. CJ and Jess got to speak with Hannah on the show but it turns out that Hannah's Mom, Mary Beth had more to share about her daughter and husband's hunting experience.

Mary Beth used the text studio feature on the Wolf Country App to let us know that Hannah was extremely excited to win and she shared a bit more of the back story about Chris and Hannah's hunting history.

(Mary Beth's text to the Wolf App) ... when she (Hannah) submitted the photo of her and her dad, she had no idea that there was a prize or that it was even a contest! She just submitted the photo because of how excited she was to share that day with him! She wanted to buy him a bow for Christmas but couldn’t afford it and she called me and said “now I can buy dad that bow, it’s a Christmas miracle!”

Hannah and her Dad have such a great story we had to share it. Again we are so happy to give them a $500 gift certificate to spend with Joe the Pro and his crew at Northern Dutchess Archery. Find them online at Find them in person at 7375 S.Broadway in Red Hook, New York. They have everything you need for hunting, fishing, and for sportsman supplies.

If you haven't had a chance to look through the Wolf Rack Gallery 2021 we have it for you below. Once again we want to thank everyone who sent in a photo.

The Wolf Rack Gallery 2021

The Wolf and Northern Dutchess Archery want to thank everyone who sent in a photo from their hunting season. Thank you for being part of the Work Rack Gallery. These photos are great examples of how all of you are keeping up this time-honored tradition.

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