I thought it would be a good time to get you an update on some of the animals we have told you about in the recent past that have been helped by the Friends of the Feathered and Furry Wildlife Center (FFFWC).  Over the last few months, the FFFWC has helped everything from eagles to bears along with a fox or two.

If you aren't familiar with the FFFWC they are a non-profit 501(c)3 that is located in Hunter, New York. They have dedicated themselves to helping injured and orphaned New York State wildlife. Their goal is always to rehab and release. Their motto is Let Wild be Wild.

What Agencies Rehabs Wildlife in New York State?

Just last week they assisted the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (NYSDEC) with an injured Raven. Back on May 16th ECO Bohling according to a NYSDEC press release responded to a call of a report of an injured raven.

NYS Department of Environmental Conservation - ECO Bohling and Raven via Facebook
NYS Department of Environmental Conservation - ECO Bohling and Raven via Facebook

A neighbor helped quickly locate the raven. While unable to fly, the bird was able to quickly hop and glide away, making it difficult to catch. Additional residents joined the effort and helped to push the raven to an open area where Officer Bohling captured the bird. The ECO then brought the raven to the Friends of the Feathered and Furry wildlife center for treatment and evaluation. (via NYS DEC Press Release)

SEE Also: Bear Killed Illegally in Dutchess County, New York

We don't have any word on the raven but I am happy to get you an update on a fox kit we told you about a few weeks ago. According to a post from the FFFWC on Monday, the little guy is thriving. He recently got to enjoy the outdoor enclosure with a new friend. He and his new gal pal will hopefully be released in a few months.

When he first arrived his prognosis wasn't good. He was discovered by a dog and appeared to have neurological damage. The FFFWC has been working their magic and it looks good for the little guy. The FFFWC has also recently cared for baby owlets and two bear cubs whose mom was killed by a train.

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Friend of the Feathered and Furry Wildlife Center - Facebook
Friend of the Feathered and Furry Wildlife Center - Facebook

What to Do if You Find an Injured Wildlife Animal?

If you find a member of New York State Wildlife in distress or you have concerns you can call the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (518) 402- 8044 or follow this link to find the office near you. You can also find a wildlife rehabber through the NYS DEC. And you can support the FFFWC directly make sure to visit their website.

Other Animals that have been Helped at Friends of the Feathered and Furry

Wild Animals in Rehab

When we see an animal that has been hurt or is in distress it is in our nature to want to help but the reality is we need to leave it to the professional. Our job is to report it so that trained people can step in to assist the animal that needs help. Luckily there are many Animal Rehabilitators in the Hudson Valley who are good at what they do.

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8 Creatures that Could Ruin Your BBQ

It doesn't matter if it is a backyard BBQ or you have set up camp for the weekend it is inevitable that a few uninvite party guess could drop by if you aren't vigilant about keep things clean and put up.

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