It's National Spouses Day. How will you celebrate your very significant other?

I asked around the office to see how if I could share some unique and fun ways to celebrate this very special day. Here are some of the responses that I got (I have left out names to protect the innocent):

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    Getty Images

    "It's What Day?"

    Apparently "someone" didn't know that today was National Spouses Day. Luckily, I'm not married to this guy. I moved on to another co-worker...

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    Getty Images

    "Uh, I'm not married"

    Hah! Nice way to get out of celebrating. What is wrong with these people?

  • Roberto Westbrook
    Roberto Westbrook

    "I thought it was Chocolate Cake Day"

    Well, it is, but you can't eat cake all day.

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    Getty Images

    "Did you say 'get soused' Day?"

    Well now there's an idea!

  • Getty Images for Baby2Baby
    Getty Images for Baby2Baby

    "Is that today? I better go out and get my husband's spouse an expensive gift."

    Now we're talking! That's a great idea.

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