This Week It’s Brookfield’s Turn To ‘Make Some Noise’
Last Saturday night Danbury said thanks to all medical personnel and essential workers in a big way with a city wide 'Make Some News' event. This week it's Brookfield's turn.
The Town of Brookfield is encouraging all residents to take five minutes Saturday night and join the entire community to show support for all those who have been helping out and saving lives during the coronavirus pandemic.
All residents should step outside from 7:00 PM until 7:05 PM and ring their cowbells, bang some pots and pans, or just use their car horns to 'Make Some Noise'.
The whole purpose of the event is to is to show town unity and solidarity for all town healthcare workers, firefighters, police, and all the others who have been on the front lines during the COVID-19 crisis.
The city of Danbury came together last Saturday night as thousands joined in to show their support.
According to newstimes.com, Brookfield First Selectman Steve Dunn had this to say in a recent e-mail to town residents.
This is one of the reasons Brookfield is a great town to live in, we're looking forward to hearing all the noise on Saturday night.

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