In 1953, Route 11 was first mapped out to connect Colchester to Waterford, Connecticut, running northeast to southeast. Construction began in 1963, and the proposed completion date was 1969.

Route 11 officially opened in 1972, but the highway wasn't finished. On October 24, 1972, ConnDot suspended further construction due to a lack of funds. This was just the beginning of a complex set of negotiations that are still ongoing today.

Millions of taxpayer dollars have already been spent on this 'Road to Nowhere.' The timeline of events is almost too astonishing to believe, but I'll do my best to unwrap it through words and photos.

Take a Close Look at Connecticut's Road to Nowhere

10 Random Facts About Connecticut's History You May Not Know

Here are 10 random facts about Connecticut's history that are often overlooked or may have been previously unknown.

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