Square Pizza Eliminated from Hudson Valley School Cafeterias?
School is back in session across the Hudson Valley and we can't help reminiscing about when we were young.
Last week, we asked our listeners if they had a favorite school lunch when they were in grade school and got some fantastic answers. I think we can all agree that school lunches were so bad that they were actually good. And who can forget washing down school pasta with an ice-cold cardboard carton of milk? So gross, and yet we survived.
For the most part, the most popular answer was pizza Fridays. More specifically: square school lunch pizza. When I think of school pizza, it's always square unless it was a special occasion in the classroom.
While doing extensive research (read: bugging my nieces and nephews in the Wappingers School District about school lunch) I have come to a horrible realization: SQUARE PIZZA IS OUT.
Hudson Valley Schools No Longer Serving Square Pizza?!
Yes, I know this is the hard-hitting news you were looking for today.
Apparently, some Hudson Valley schools are serving Big Daddy's Pizza on Fridays. It's a hit with all the kids nowadays. And...it's triangle-shaped.
So I looked into it. Big Daddy's Pizza is a product of Schwan's Food Service Inc. and is promoted at "The #1 Leader in K-12 Pizza." They add on their website "Students love BIG DADDY’S™ Pizza because of the wide variety of delicious flavors. You’ll love that it’s an easy solution to increase participation."
And wouldn't you know it, they're served in triangle slices. I don't know about you, but I think this might be the reason why kids are so soft these days. Eating crappy, square pizza builds character! I'm joking...but also I think I might be on to something.
My sources in Spackenkill tell me their pizza slices are triangles too! Is this a thing in all Hudson Valley Schools now? I'd love to hear from teachers or administrators to collect actual data, send me an email at Jess@HudsonValleyCountry.com.
While we're on the topic of changes in the cafeteria, take a look at 100 years of school lunches and the changes throughout the years below: