We have an intense video that shows how close a New York State Police trooper was to getting killed by a speeding car. The trooper's car door was ripped off.

New York State Police shared a wild video of a trooper's car door ripped off by a passing car.

New York State Police Trooper Nearly Hit By Car In Westchester County

New York State Police
New York State Police

Recently, New York State Trooper Robert Schaeffer was exiting his patrol vehicle with emergency lights activated when a passing driver didn't obey the “Move Over” law and took the door off his vehicle.

"This is why you move over! Please obey the law and move over! Doing so can save a life, including yours," New York State Police wrote on Facebook while sharing a video of the incident.

The incident happened on I-95 in New Rochelle, New York.

New York State Trooper Injured In New Rochelle, New York

New York State Police
New York State Police

Trooper Schaeffer suffered minor injuries and was transported to the hospital. New York State Police didn't disclose his injuries.

"Thankfully, he survived. However, that is not always the case," New York State Police said.

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New York State Police report nearly 115 officers have been killed in the line of duty in recent years after being hit by a vehicle.

"According to the Centers for Disease Control, between 2011 and 2020 there were 114 officers killed in the line of duty due to being struck by a vehicle," New York State Police say.

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Video Of New York State Police Car's Door Ripped Off

New York State Police
New York State Police

Below is the full video of the incident.

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