Yes, it’s really a thing!  Eggnog Day is observed every year on December 24. The popular drink is a crowd pleaser during the holidays — so popular in fact, that a whole day is devoted to this egg milk punch.

The origins of this love-it-or-hate-it drink are sketchy, but some believe it originated in medieval Britain. The ingredients were thought to be foods only the wealthy could afford, so eggnog was used to toast to good health and prosperity.

For those of you that can’t get past the idea of consuming raw eggs, there are recipes with cooked eggs available online. Many people add alcohol to the frothy mixture for more holiday cheer. Below is a great recipe for classic eggnog from the Food Network that I highly recommend!

Classic Eggnog Recipe:


  • 4 egg yolks, 4 egg whites
  • 1/3 cup sugar, plus 1 tbsp
  • 1 pint whole milk
  • 1 cup heavy cream
  • 3 ounces bourbon (optional)
  • 1 tsp nutmeg


Beat the egg yolks until they lighten in color. Gradually add the 1/3 cup sugar and continue to beat until it is completely dissolved.  Add the milk, cream, bourbon, & nutmeg and stir.

In a separate bowl, beat the egg whites to soft peaks.  While beating, gradually add the 1 tbsp of sugar until stiff peaks form.

Whisk the egg whites into the egg yolk mixture.  Chill, serve, and enjoy!

While celebrating with family and friends this holiday season, be sure to celebrate Eggnog Day, and please drink responsibly.

Happy Holidays!

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