Miranda Lambert has one less animal to take care of these days, but not necessarily by choice. In a new interview, the singer says her grandmother "literally stole" one of her dogs while she was out on the road.

Lambert's been traveling extensively to promote her latest album The Weight of These Wings, which recently went Platinum. She takes some of her animals on the road from time to time, but her dog Delilah was retired from the bus, and when Lambert's grandmother was looking after her in the singer's absence, she got a little too attached.

"My grandma literally stole her though," she tells radio show Ty, Kelly & Chuck. "I was on the phone with my grandma this morning and she was telling me all about my dog, but it’s her dog now. She retired from the road so my grandma would keep her and she just never gave her back."

These Country Singers Sure Love Their Dogs!

Lambert currently has a total of 18 animals, including "five horses, two mini horses, seven dogs and four rescue kitties," Lambert says, calling 18 "my new lucky number."

Of course, most of those animals can't go on the road, though Lambert says she has brought one of her mini horses on the bus. "But I have my ponies painted on the side of my bus, airbrushed old-school style. So they kind of go with me."

Lambert's MuttNation Foundation rescue group also sponsors adoption events in each of her touring markets; in fact, they recently helped a local shelter place a rescue pup with singer Michael Ray. Lambert also led a march of rescue dogs through downtown Nashville during a special CMA Fest adoption drive in June.

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