Welcome to the Wolf Den of Heroes, where every month we introduce you to a new inductee.

For the last few months, we've been collecting nominations of the Hudson Valley first responders in your life in an effort to give them the much-deserved spotlight. Each month we select a first responder from our bunch of nominations and award them a $250 gift card courtesy of Mental Health America of Dutchess County.

It's the least we can do for the first responders who show up for us in our time of need. The inductee for August is Michael Simmons Sr. of the Silver Lake Fire Department

Wolf Den of Heroes August Inductee: Michael Simmons Sr.

Michael's wife Jamie sent in her nomination and wrote:

I would like to nominate my husband. When I met him he was a paramedic for the Town Of Walkill and a volunteer fireman. Fast forward 15 years he is the Chief for Silver Lake Fire Department and he takes great pride in giving up his time to help others in need. He has been a volunteer fire fighter for 32 years and nothing means more to him then helping people in need. There are missed dinners, sports events and other life events that have been put on hold so that he could help another family in need. My family knows as soon as the pager goes off he is on his way to help someone in need. He has given 32 years of his life without a second thought and he would do it all again in a heartbeat. He is the most caring and loving person and he deserves to be recognized for his dedication to his community.

When we first spoke to Michael he was with his family on vacation, but he was nice enough to give us some time to share the importance of volunteering with your local fire department. Simmons recommends visiting your local fire department's website or visiting the station to learn more about volunteer firefighter opportunities and how you can help the community.

Thank you for your dedication and service to the Hudson Valley community, Michael!

If you would like to nominate a hero, fill out the form on our website. 

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