We are no strangers to weird items spilling on highways. This one is the usual weird, but it comes with a twist.

We've all seen and heard the stories tons of times about unusual spills that shut down highways. Maybe you've even been stuck in one. So when I heard about the recent Skittles spill, I honestly giggled. I mean, I know it's no laughing matter when people's safety is as risk, but c'mon, it's Skittles. I'm smiling even as I type this.

Then, I came upon a story saying there's more to this story than meets the, um, mouth!

CBS News is reporting that there appears to be more than just a twist in the road to the Skittles mishap on a rural highway in Wisconsin last week. After a post on the Dodge County Sheriff Office Facebook page appeared from a Wisconsin sheriff:

The key to the ongoing mystery is when the sheriff says the Skittles reportedly were on their way to be cattle feed. According to cbsnews.com Mars Inc.says that while some of their unwanted products are used as cattle feed, the ones all over the road came from a factory that wasn't part of that program.

We don’t know how it ended up as it did and we are investigating

The plot thickens if you will, because in a story reported by sciencealert.com farmers have been using discarded candy for quite awhile. Seems it's cheaper than corn and farmers claim just as nutritious.

Could this be why you crave dessert after eating that steak dinner?

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