John Jay high school announced it was closed on Friday, October 14th after a threatening note was found on a Wappingers Central School District bus.

In a message to parents on the Wappingers Central School District website, Superintendant Dr. Dwight Bonk wrote:

John Jay HS will be closed today Friday, October 14 due to a concerning message that was found on one of our school buses from John Jay HS after the conclusion of the school day yesterday. The note indicated a potential act of violence at John Jay High School for today Friday, October 14th. This required immediate attention from our District and Building Administration as well as our Law Enforcement Agencies.  Please know that any perceived threat against our schools or our District is taken very seriously, as the safety of our staff and students remains our top priority!

Bonk adds:

Upon receiving this information, we immediately reported it to the East Fishkill Police Department, Dutchess County Sheriff's Office, and New York State Police. In addition, Building Administration activated our Threat Assessment Team as per our Building and District level Safety Plan. The District commenced an investigation in collaboration with the East Fishkill Police Department and other local law enforcement entities last evening that continued overnight and is expected to continue throughout the day.  Please know that the District is handling this matter in accordance with the District Code of Conduct for threats of violence directed toward any of our schools or our District. In addition, we will pursue any threats of potential violence directed at our schools to the fullest extent of the law.

We will update this story as soon as more information comes in.

In the last few weeks, several schools have experience threats through airdrops. On October 5th a threatening message was airdropped to a student in the Marlboro School District. 5 days later, a bomb threat was reportedly airdropped during a school dance in Goshen.

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