What seems like a no-brainer to me, as a 73-year-old grandfather, is that I don't understand why cell phones haven't already been banned from every Connecticut classroom across the state. What purpose do they serve? According to ctinsider.com, Governor Lamont will be issuing a plan "advising school districts to have students leave their smartphones at home or in protected pouches at the start of the school day."

The Connecticut Association of Boards of Education is considering a new cell phone policy guidance program for local school boards across the state by looking at the technology use and addictiveness of cell phones along with the classroom disruption issue.

I posted a question on my FB page that reads, "Parents & Teachers...What is your opinion regarding banning cell phones in Connecticut classrooms?"

Jay C. - "I think kids should allowed to keep them, provided they don't use them during class. If the teacher sees it, they lose it until the end of the day."

Joe N. -  "made it through 16 years of schooling without one. I think they might be able to survive the day with no phone."

Michele T. - "Our school already does not allow them in class nor in lunch, they keep them in their lockers and it’s the best thing!"

Robin W. - Kids don't talk to one another; adults don't talk to each other."

Jason O. - "Can't tell the hominids to do much of anything. It hurts them."

According to a study by 'Common Sense Media,' the following are the pros and cons of having cell phones in the classroom according to parents and experts. You can find all the details of this study by clicking care.com.


  1. Increased Sense of Safety...
  2. Learning Benefits...
  3. Potential Value...
  4. Prep For The Future...


  1. Potential for Distraction...
  2. Lack of Social Skills...
  3. Mental Health Risks...
  4. Burden On Teachers...
  5. Cyberbullying...

A not-so-surprising Common Sense Media study released in September 2023 stated, "97% of teens say they use their phones during the school day." Were they conducting research or prepping for their next class? Of course not! They were on social media, YouTube, or gaming on their phones during the school day.

If you are a parent or teacher, I would be interested in your feedback on this topic. Simply send your comments via I-95's Facebook page.

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