The Town of Saugerties Animal Shelter is reaping the benefits of an Eagle Scout project that has everyone requesting a pet bed. Over the weekend Tyler Knapp brought by the results of his Eagle Scout project to the Town of Saugerties Animals Shelter. He created elevated dog beds which are going to have a lot of Hudson Valley pets getting a better place to sleep.
In the picture above you can see Tyler getting his bed project officially tested out by Cherish, the Town of Saugerties Animal Shelter's resident canine supervisor. If you thinking your dog or even cat would love to have one of these great beds don't wait apparently they are going fast. The shelter will have them available for purchase this Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday from 10 to 3. The cost is $40 for the small size and $50 for the large. Your purchase will help the with much needed funding for the new shelter.

Why did Tyler Do This?

We reached out to find out more about Tyler and his project but haven't heard back yet but when we do we will update you with the information we receive. Until then we can tell you that it was an Eagle Scout Project which is explained by the Boy Scouts of America as a leadership project that should reflect who the Eagle Scout is and should have an impact on the community.

How can you find out more about Scouting?

You can visit the Boys Scouts of America's official website for basic information and to find a troop near you. This is the best way to find a scouting group near you that has activities that might interest anyone you know who is hoping to join scouts. Scouting is now open to both boys and girls in the Hudson Valley.

Who are Hudson Valley area Councils for Scouting?

There are three councils that covers the Hudson Valley:
Rip Van Winkle - Greene/Ulster - Ulster Avenue in Kingston

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Don't leave these foods around

LOOK: Here Are 30 Foods That Are Poisonous to Dogs

To prepare yourself for a potential incident, always keep your vet's phone number handy, along with an after-hours clinic you can call in an emergency. The ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center also has a hotline you can call at (888) 426-4435 for advice.

Even with all of these resources, however, the best cure for food poisoning is preventing it in the first place. To give you an idea of what human foods can be dangerous, Stacker has put together a slideshow of 30 common foods to avoid. Take a look to see if there are any that surprise you.

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