Have You’ve Been Naughty Or Nice This Year, Find Out Now, Before It’s Too Late
It's been a long year, and for most of us we don't always remember if we were as nice as we should have been over the last 12 months. Now there's a way for you to find out with the official Santa Naughty or Nice Generator.
We are getting down to the wire on whether or not Santa will be bringing us what we want for Christmas, or just dropping off some coal for the stocking.
Now you can find out where you stand, up to the minute, with the Official Santa "Naughty or Nice Generator". Thanks to the folks at Claus.com we can now get an idea of where we're at on the big guy's list.
The silver lining in this cloud is that you may actually have time to make a few corrections, and get back on Santa's good foot. It may not be easy, depending on what you've been up to, but at least you have a fighting chance to ready the ship in time for Santa's visit on Christmas Eve.
So check it out, and see if your ready to cruise into the Holiday, or if you have your work cut out for you.
Here's what the Naughty Or Nice Generator had to say about me.
Mr. Morning
"Nice" and getting better all the time! Has shown great improvement with manners and cleaning up the bedroom. A good friend who usually gives good advice. Still has a naughty tendency to leave socks on the floor. Could clean better behind ears and between toes. Is that lint in that belly button? Let's keep working hard!
Here's what it said about Suzy.
Suzy Garcia
Overall, niceness outweighs naughtiness. Was good a lot last month! Politeness often good, but has room for improvement. Could help around house more instead of watching so much TV. Expected to move even higher up "nice" list.
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