Spring has arrived in the Hudson Valley and that comes with some warning.

Of course, as the weather gets warmer more animals are emerging from their hibernation. Just last week the Department of Environmental Conservation reminded Hudson Valley residents to bring in their bird feeders since bears are done with hibernation and leaving their dens.

While skunks do hibernate as well, they are out year-round. However, ever since we hit the first official day of Spring back in March I have noticed 2 skunks terrorizing my front lawn.

Every morning when I take my new puppy out to relieve himself around 4:15 am, there are 2 skunks galivanting on the front lawn in my pup's "spot." It has me thinking what would I do if god forbid me and my dog get sprayed?

The DEC so beautifully writes:

"The skunk's best-known feature is its ability to squirt an extremely potent and disagreeable secretion at potential attackers. The Latin name for skunk, Mephitis mephitis, means "double foul odor."

I'm doing everything in my power to avoid, what I'm calling, the double foul skunk funk.

What Should You Do if You or Your Pet is Sprayed by a Skunk?

Eastern Dutchess County Fire and Rescue shared a post from Claws 'N' Paws Wild Animal Park that could be pretty helpful in that situation. The Animal park explains that a mixture of baking soda, hydrogen peroxide and blue Dawn dish soap works wonders.

Thankfully, according to Poison Control, the same mixture works for humans. We'll keep that recipe in our memory bank, just in case...

Have you, or your pet ever been sprayed by a skunk? What happened and what did you do afterward? Share your story with us on social media or text us through the mobile app!

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