Technology firm Infosys will bring 1,000 new tech jobs to Harford as well as create a $21 million hub for the development of technologies to support the health care and manufacturing industries according to the Hartford Courant.

Infosys is a publicly traded company worth over 34 billion dollars with more than 200,000 employees worldwide dedicated to creating technology systems and consulting for all kinds of industries.

The hiring will take place throughout the next four years says Governor Dannel P. Malloy’s office, and the positions should pay an average of $70,000 yearly. The search for a location seems to still be underway, as no location has been announced yet, but it will definitely be in Hartford. Infosys is going to get nearly $14 million in grants from the state of Connecticut for this move.

This in addition to the recent news that Aetna Inc. is staying in Hartford is great news for the state. It became official when the company stated the following on their Twitter page:

As a part of our commitment to boost American innovation, today we're announcing our commitment to create 1,000 tech jobs in Connecticut by 2022


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