Unwashed Tales: Connecticut Has a Post Workout Dirty Little Secret
PromoGuy recently released the results of a very specific study they conducted. They looked into the laundry habits of "sporty Americans" to see how often folks are washing, and what they are washing. The results that came out of Connecticut are frightening.

PromoGuy spoke to 2,000 Americans and then came up with regional data for each state. Here is what they found out about the Nutmeg State: "25% of exercising Connecticut residents don't wash their sports clothes after every use."
I will now quote the legendary 80's soft-rock duo Hall & Oates: "I can't go for that, no can do!"
1 in 4 Connecticut humans are ignoring their duty, to avoid smelling like doody? I hate to be judgemental (that's a lie) but this is concerning. Let's assume at least a portion of that 25% is working out at a gym, around other people while dragging a haunting musk trail around. What is everyone else supposed to do? We have to ignore it, right? If we don't we're the bad guy.
How are we supposed to evolve as a society when there is always a portion of people in this country that are completely shameless? If you smell on your own time, Amen brother. God Bless America and the freedom to poison the air in your home. But, if you're funking up the air that that surrounds my nostrils, we have a problem.
Let's be people, can we try that?
These are the same people that wear sandals all summer but have not bothered to clip their toenails since the '84 Olympic games in Los Angeles. I love humans but we need to work on a few things as a society.
Other Key Takeaways From the Study:
1 out of 20 Americans admits to occasionally wearing unwashed sportswear for at least a month.
Kentucky leads with the highest percentage of people washing their sportswear after every session at 92%.
Iowa lags behind at the lowest nationwide with only 38%.
Jerry Seinfeld once shared an extreme but brilliant idea about smelly folks. Seinfeld said:"There should be a B.O. squad that patrols the city like a "Smell Gestapo". To sniff 'em out, strip 'em down, and wash them with a big, soapy brush..."
While we're having this discussion, I'd like to say that we need to start teaching people how to wash behind their ears. I'm not talking about children, adults are skipping this step in the shower and I don't know how. I was standing in-line at the grocery store behind a dude with a mushroom farm growing under his ear-flap.
Again, I can't go for that, no can do!
P.S. You still call it an earlobe? Nah dude, join the revolution, ear-flap is the way.
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