FEMA, The Federal Emergency Management Agency, toured Brookfield on Monday to assess the damage from the May 15th storm. Brookfield was one of the hardest hit areas in the entire state.

The macro-burst that ravaged Brookfield knocked down trees and power lines and crippled the town for almost a week. 90% of the town lost power, and 40% of the single family homes were either damaged or destroyed.

Enter FEMA, who did a complete survey of the town and the storm damage. What they determine could help the town and residents qualify for financial aid to help with the storm clean up.

According to newstimes.com, the storm could cost Brookfield more than 3.8 million in uninsured losses.

Now what should you do if you're a homeowner who's home or property was damaged:

  1. Go to the Brookfield Town Website 
  2. Fill out all the information
  3. Provide photo's, get as much damage as possible in each photo
  4. Estimate the cost of the insured, and non insured damages

Last week, Brookfield voters did approve 1.2 million to aid in the clean up, FEMA could wind up reimbursing the town pending the results of their survey.

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