This is the Citgo on Main Street where I get my gas, it's always busy, even when it's not open.

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Meaning, people tend to gravitate here, and for whatever reason it's some sort of unofficial hangout.

Google Instant Street View
Google Instant Street View

It's not unusual to see a downtown resident standing outside the gas station for extended periods of time. There is no rhyme or reason to it, that is just the deal.

I went out for my morning ride on Main Street to get coffee and gasoline and stopped at my local gas station to find someone had smashed the door open. I walked in to the gas station carefully, to avoid the broken glass and asked the manager what happened.

Lou Milano
Lou Milano

He said "someone broke the door with something metal. These guys don't think." He continued, telling me that they have a loud alarm that goes off as soon as someone tries to gain access. That made me think that maybe the person who broke the glass got spooked and ran off after hearing the alarm, but the manager told me that was not the case. "He got in," noting "these meth heads don't think" but he didn't get away with anything according to the employee.

Lou Milano
Lou Milano

I don't miss a thing in my neighborhood, so forget trying to get anything by this dude.

Lou Milano
Lou Milano

Where there are tears, where there is destruction, where there are hooligans and tomfoolery, I'll be there, I'll swoop in, in the dark of night and get down to business. I WILL take photos and ask questions.

I am everywhere.

Danbury Area Residents Share Stunning Fall Sunset Photos for 2021

What is easier than driving all over the Danbury area collecting photos at sunset? Delegating that task, that is exactly what I did recently. I asked our Ethan and Lou Radio Show (I-95) listeners to submit the best photo they took of a 2021 fall sunset. I put the request out on our Facebook page and in an alert on the I-95 Rock Mobile app. These are some of the many submissions I got back and they are stunning looks at sunsets in the Greater-Danbury area.

12 Signs You're a True American 'Tough Guy'

Our culture morphs and those shifts mean certain types of behavior have an expiration date. What you once thought was "cool" or "tough" may make you look like a straight up D-bag now. The problem is, when our culture pivots, not everyone gets the memo.

You could find yourself in a room with someone born in the 60's, another in the 80's, a man who was born in the 90's and another in the 2000's, they are all going to have different ideas about what makes them a man. 

What makes you a "tough guy" today? For starters, the term itself is a punch line, if someone calls you a "tough guy", they are picking on you. This list was supposed to be titled "Top Signs You're a Raging Douche" but my editor nixed that, so these are the "Top Signs You're a Real Tough Guy." 

Danbury Officials Throw Parade for UFC Champ + Hat City Resident Glover Teixeira

Glover Teixeira had already met with the new Mayor Elect and was swarmed by fight fans and Hat City residents in Roger Park. All that was left to do was an official parade and ceremony for the public which took place on Sunday November 14, 2021. Flanked by local officials Glover took a ride down Main Street to Rogers Park where he was gifted a plaque commemorating his victory over Jan Blachowicz. 

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