Connecticut Helping Out Federal Employees During the Shutdown
Connecticut is stepping up to help out during the government shutdown.
According to an article on the Hartford Courant website, federal employees are getting a helping hand from the state of Connecticut. Businesses, banks, and state agencies are doing what they can to add some relief during the shutdown.
** No-Interest Loans - Most creditors require that payments be made on-time which can be problematic if you're not receiving a paycheck so Gov. Ned Lamont has worked out an arrangement with Webster Bank to make available no-interest loans to federal employees to help pay their bills until the shutdown is over.
** Unemployment Benefits - Federal workers who were told not to report for work can apply for unemployment benefits through the state Department of Labor. This option does not include workers who must report to work but are still not receiving paychecks.
** Tuition Payments - The Connecticut State Colleges and Universities system has ruled temporarily that federal employees can hold off on tuition payments until the government is up and running again.
** Water Bills - Interest fees on overdue bills will be waived by Connecticut Water who will also be working with families to keep their water running throughout the shutdown.
** Electricity - Eversource always works with their customers if they're having money issues and can't pay their bills. Find out how by clicking on eversource.com.
** Charities - There are programs available for various kinds of assistance depending on your situation. To find out where, click on 211ct.org.
** Cell Phones - Verizon, Sprint, AT&T, and T-Mobile are working with federal employees by offering flexible payments and dropping late fees.
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