There will be no delay in the Brookfield four corners streetscape project, as State Lawmakers signed off on the proposal giving the town the green light to move ahead.

A delay in the approval would have cost the Town of Brookfield valuable time and increased construction cost's. It would have also pushed the project back till next year.

According to the News Times, Brookfield First Selectman Steve Dunn said the State signed off on the project earlier this week, and the town will begin taking bids within the next few weeks.

It's the first time ever that actual sidewalks and more will be put into that area of Federal Road, and it's all part of the Brookfield Village Project, which could not officially open till the sidewalks are put in.

Brookfield residents had voted back in February to borrow the money for this first phase of this project, and the state grants will be used to cover the rest of the $3.5 million price tag. Look for construction on the sidewalks to begin sometime in May.

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