Putnam County Sheriff’s Department Warns Public of COVID-19 Vaccine Scams
Now that the COVID-19 vaccine is available, leave it to some people to try and profit from it.
It's a shame that there are people out there who would stoop so low as to scam people when it comes to the COVID-19 vaccine, but it is happening. Crises like this often bring out scam artists hoping to take advantage of people’s fears and concerns.
The Putnam Country Sheriff's Department took to Facebook to warn residents of both New York and Connecticut about some of the scam activity that's currently taking place trying to lure you into giving someone money in exchange for a vaccination, even though some details about who gets the vaccine and when are still being worked out, and doses of the vaccine are being administered to essential personnel and seniors.
So here are three things, according to the post, that everyone should know about and beware of so you can avoid a costly mistake.
1- You can't pay to put your name on a list to get the vaccine. If someone calls you and asks for money so you can get on a vaccine list....this would a scam.
2- You can't pay to get early access to the vaccine. If you get a notification, whether it's by phone or when you go to a location that may be distributing the vaccine, it's another scam.
3- Finally, no one will call you regarding the vaccine and ask for your social security number, bank account, or credit card number. Never give that information out to anyone at anytime, a third scam.
If you are contacted, or have any questions regarding the protocol of administering the vaccine, or any other related questions, you can get more information on the Federal Trade Commision website, or on the Consumer Protection site.
If you have any other concerns about COVID-19, you can also check out the Center for Disease Control and Prevention site.