Beware of ‘Sophisticated’ Netflix Scam in Putnam County
If you receive an email that claims to be from Netflix, be extra cautious.
This email is professionally designed and looks legit but it's out to scam you instead. According to an article on the website, putnam.dailyvoice.com, watch out for an email that claims there's a billing issue with your Netflix account. If you spot a button in your Email that instructs you to 'Update Payment.' DO NOT CLICK!
If you do give it a click, you will then be directed to a bogus website that looks just like the Netflix site. To solve this phony 'billing issue,' you will be asked for your credit card information and BANG, this is where they scam you.
This same type of scam happened to me regarding my iTunes account with similar wording. Before I clicked on anything, I went immediately to my iTunes account to check current charges or alerts and that's when I found out this scam artist was trying to pull one over on me.
If you think someone's out there trying to rip you off through the internet, call the Putnam County Sheriff's office at 845-225-4300.
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