It's getting closer and closer, the people of Danbury are calling for their "Pot Stores", and it looks like by the end of the year they could get them.

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According to a NewsTimes article, the temporary moratorium on weed stores from last summer will finally be a thing of the past. On a 6 to 3 vote this past week, the Danbury Zoning Commission approved some rules for regulating recreational pot sales, therefore ending the moratorium and paving the way for limited cannabis retail establishments.  This whole "legal weed" thing is still new to everyone so Danbury is taking it nice and slow and this is just the beginning.

Recreational Use Of Marijuana Becomes Legal In Nevada
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The state of Connecticut has received over 37,000 applications for all types of cannabis licenses from "soup to nuts" some might say. So, I guess you can say there is a demand, and that could mean a nice financial gain for the City of Danbury when these businesses are finally able to open up. The article points out that the city's economic development director himself, Shay Nagarsheth anticipates retail cannabis locations will be a "boost" to the city.

Recreational Use Of Marijuana Becomes Legal In Nevada
Getty Images

Once these places open up, you will see cannabis connoisseurs from New York coming over to purchase cannabis legally in a retail establishment in Danbury. I am sure they may stop and visit other businesses along the journey, like maybe for munchies? Another question would be, is it legal to cross the CT/NY border with legally purchased weed? That is a good question, when you do a quick google search...


I thought that is what I would find. The feds still haven't given in to the whole legalization of cannabis thing that several progressive states have already decided was ok to do. So, instead of the Google search, I called a Connecticut State Trooper's office, and asked, "once these establishments in Connecticut are open and selling weed legally, can someone from New York come across state lines and purchase product and then transport it back over state lines legally?" The officer who I talked to wasn't sure but he did give me the phone number of the people who do know the answer, and because it was after hours nobody answered, so look for an update to this article very soon.

Here is a link to Adult-Use Cannabis guidelines in the state of Connecticut you need to know. Thanks for hanging out with me and talk to you soon.

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Music, art, food, nightlife, shopping, all within 1,000 walkable feet of each other. Most main Streets in Connecticut are packed, but some are compact enough to enjoy a safe stroll between stops, here are my suggestions of the 5 most entertaining and walkable Main Streets here in Connecticut

The Barker Character, Comic and Cartoon Museum in Cheshire, CT

It's the Barker Character, Comic & Cartoon Museum, and just as the name says, it has all those things and more. It was like strolling down memory lane when I saw the pictures of some of the items that are a part of this massive personal collection.

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