Bear sightings have become commonplace throughout certain areas of Connecticut, but have you noticed the bears appear to be getting larger?

According to the NewsTimes, a black bear was spotted in the woods near Hillside Circle in Brookfield. I watched the video, and according to my observation, the bear seems to be a big sucker.

According to the Department of Energy and Environmental Protection(DEEP), black bears normally weigh-in at between 150 and 450 pounds. According to DEEP, there have been 59 bear sightings in Brookfield between April 10, 2016 and April 5, 2017.

Keep this in mind if you live in a rural area of Connecticut, bears have an astounding sense of smell so if you've thrown away some leftover lima beans, bears will seek them out. Besides myself, bears are the only other living beings that enjoy a good lima bean. More than 6,500 bear sightings have been reported throughout the state. If you see a bear out for a walk, DEEP tells us to:

  1. Observe it from a distance. It's a known fact that bears DO NOT enjoy posing for selfies.
  2. Advertise your presence by shouting and waving your arms or walking slowly away.
  3. As much as you might love large furry animals, never attempt to attract or feed the bears.
  4. Report bear sightings to the Wildlife Division at 860-424-3011.

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