I know that therapy is not for everybody and I know that some people won't seek out therapist because they feel it's a sign of weakness. Honestly, one of the reasons Mindy's and my marriage is so strong is because we sought out a therapist to help us with a couple of different issues going on in our lives a long time ago.

If you have a personal issue, or one that involves your partner and you've tried a number of times to resolve that issue yourself without any success, wouldn't it make sense to seek out a qualified professional who could possibly shed some light on how you might be able to make your life better?

Psychologists Daniel Reidenberg, Mary Alvord and Dorothea Lack have collectively come up with eight warning signs that you should see a therapist.

8 Signs You Should See A Therapist:


  • 1

    Everything You Feel Is Intense

    You have recurring feelings of sadness and anger   coupled with catastrophizing, or always thinking the worst in any situation, which might lead to anxiety and/or panic attacks.

  • 2

    You've Experienced A Trauma Which You Can't Stop Thinking About

    These trauma's include the death of a loved one, a breakup or a job loss and these feelings simply are not easing up with time.

  • 3

    You Have Recurrent Headaches or Stomach Aches Or a Rundown Immune System

    Stress can manifest itself in many different physical ailments like headaches, stomach aches, diminished sex drive, and recurring colds.

  • 4

    You're Using A Substance To Cope

    If you're drinking and using drugs much more            often or even thinking of using alcohol and drugs, you're attempting to numb those feelings that should be dealt with. If a friend says to you, "This is why I drink" or "This is the reason I need valium." Ask them how you can help.

  • 5

    You're Getting Bad Feedback At Work

    If you're having trouble concentrating at work or your work is just not up to par especially if you love your job, it could be time to see a professional

  • 6

    You Feel Disconnected From Activities You've Always Loved

    If you become                disinterested in hangin' out with your favorite people or maybe the activities you've always loved just don't appeal to you anymore, you most likely need some clarity that a therapist can provide.

  • 7

    Your Relationships Are Strained

    If you're having an issue communicating with your partner because you just don't know how to say what's on your mind or you're feeling unhappy about interactions with loved ones on a regular basis, couples or family therapy might be a good idea.

  • 8

    Your Friends Are Beginning To Really Worry About You

    If anybody in your life has asked you, "Are you OK" or "Are you talking to anybody about this?" that's a sure sign you should take their advice.

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