Have you noticed the layer of haze lingering across the Hudson Valley this week?

While I wasn't able to catch Monday, May 22nd's sunrise with my own 2 eyes, I did see several photos pop up on my social media timelines. Photos show the sun burning a bright red. Later in the evening, I noticed the sunset burning just as strongly.

And according to the New York Post, it's due to wildfires in Canada. The Post explains that more than 2 million acres (or 3,125 square miles) in the  Alberta, British Columbia, and Saskatchewan areas of Canada have been torched by the fires forcing "tens of thousands of people" to evacuate.

Meteorologist Beau Dodson shared a map that shows the amount of smoke being pushed out of Canada due to the wildfires earlier this week:

Fox News weather producer and forecaster Christopher Tate tells the post “It’s actually a fair bit of smoke because the winds are essentially funneling the majority of the smoke particles straight towards us,” which means that we should be getting these bright sunrises and sunsets for the next few days.

While the smoke is affecting the air quality in areas out in the mid-west like Denver, it thankfully won't be a problem in New York.

Have you gotten any photos of the bright, blood-red sunrises or sunsets across the Hudson Valley? We'd love to see them! Email Jess@HudsonValleyCountry.com and we'll be happy to add your photos with full credit to our websites.

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