In August 2023, Lou wrote an article titled, 'Study Shows CT Residents Don’t Like Pickleball One Tiny Bit.' According to the gambling site Betway' Connecticut was ranked as the state with the most negativity towards Pickleball.

According to an article in the New York Post. "Pickleball is wreaking havoc across the U.S., and it's only going to get worse!" Apparently, Pickleball is to blame for unending noise complaints, actual violence, lawsuits, and sometimes criminal charges, but why? Is it the thwack of the paddle? YES IT IS, listen.

The following comment is from Reddit user waltgrace244: "It’s annoying and maybe excessive, but pickleball thwacks do get louder than you think, especially if there’s not much else to block the sound. My parents are across the lake from a court, and you can hear it very clearly."

Reddit user semonin3 weighed in on the thwacking paddles, stating, "Idk I would go nuts if all I heard was donk donk donk all day. I get it. Also, it's louder than tennis." According to an article in the New York Times titled, 'Shattered Nerves, Sleepless Nights: Pickleball Noise Is Driving Everyone Nuts, some individuals interviewed for the article stated, "It's like having a pistol range in your backyard. Also, it’s louder than tennis. It's a torture technique!"

Recently I posted this question on my Facebook page, "Looking for Opinions Regarding Pickleball.. Do You Like Or NOT Like It?" The following are some of the responses.

Myke F. - "As a tennis player I wanna hate it, but the few times I've played it I had fun, but the sound is painful!!"

Edwin L. "A ridiculous sport invented to line someone's pockets with money."

Nyree P. - "It’s pretty fun! Learn the lingo. Go to a beginner class. People who have played a while can be WAY too serious. lol!

Billy Mo B. - "Hate it.

Lou M. - "I can't stand Pickleball. It's stupid!"

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